Receive Your Mission;
Unleash Your Passion


Mobilize Your Mission Self-Guided Workshop

This focused workshop progresses down a proven path where you’ll receive your Mission (the work God has you here to do) and the passion filled story that powers it. Along the way, discover the four life transforming Foundations of Mission and find yourself challenged to enter the Adventure of Your Life.

Create deeper intimacy with God—
His greatest desire for you

Find the power of your life’s Mission—
inspired work, aligned life, direction

Tap into the passion of your life’s story—
why you are perfect for your Mission

Create a plan to Mobilize Your Mission—
this will change your life!

Unlock Your Life’s Mission One Page at a Time

Work through our interactive 7-module workbook packed with provocative readings, Deeper Dive reflections, and guidance. Go at your own pace as you lay the foundation and create the Intimate environment needed to receive your Mission. Uncover the passionate Why Story that powers it. Crystal clarity of these key Power Affirmations leads to freedom, purpose, and direction. Mobilize Your Mission as you follow the path into the Adventure of Your Life!

Workshop Includes:

A downloadable interactive workbook

The four life transforming Foundations of Mission

A 30-Minute Consultation with a Mission Curve® Advisor


Ready for a deeper dive?

Partner with a seasoned guide… 
Our “Reach New Peaks” Advisor Guided Workshop
will transform your life, guaranteed!

Reach New Peaks Advisor Guided Workshop

Comprehensive, lifechanging, powerful. Trek side by side through our proven Mission Curve® process with our certified guide and unlock your life by gaining crystal clarity – who God made you to be, what he has you here to do and why you are the one to do it. Your life is incredibly valuable! We’ll help you get started on the right path.

“If you’ve ever felt stuck and discouraged, this workshop will help you re-energize and re-focus.”
~ Megan P

“This will take you somewhere unique and powerful. ”
~ Alan C

Our workshops are designed to promote dramatic life transformation. You’ll be challenged to surrender entrenched beliefs in favor of Kingdom beliefs that will change what you do or how you do it. Entering the Adventure of Your Life requires crystal clarity, the result of deepening Intimacy with Christ (the primary focus of our ministry), time investment, and a step-by-step path to follow. We provide the proven path; you commit to surrender yourself to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Isn’t your life, the Kingdom, worth it?

Frequently Asked Questions

Guided or Self-Guided Workshop?

Our experience is that some highly disciplined Christians are gifted in ways that allow them to gain clarity simply by following a proven process. Yet, many (a majority?) are greatly benefited by the wisdom, challenge, accountability, and interaction that comes with a skilled advisor who has traveled the path before. In fact, for this group, transformation is unlikely without guidance. Be honest, which group do you fit in?

In addition, the Reach New Peaks Advisor Guided Workshop is comprehensive, including a Bible based financial planning session. We have seen tremendous liberation, revelation and healing come to participants because of this. All the pieces contribute to a transformed life.

What is the time commitment for the Workshops?

The Reach New Peaks Advisor Guided Workshop consists of nine modules and eight 1:1 sessions with your Advisor. Participants are encouraged to complete the Workshop in 9-15 weeks. Expect to invest 2-3 hours for each module.

The Mobilize Your Mission Self-Guided Workshop consists of 7 Modules. While you may set your own pace, we recommend completing at least one module a week to create focus and momentum. Expect to invest 1 hour per module.

Is the Reach New Peaks Advisor Guided Workshop in person?

For security and privacy concerns, all sessions are virtual.

Who will be my advisor?

Our advisors are seasoned veterans; biblically sound guides certified through our rigorous training program to ensure your experience will be invaluable.

How can the Reach New Peaks Advisor Guided Workshop be guaranteed?

Frankly, the Mission Curve® process in combination with a Mission Curve® Advisor has proven itself. If you are not completely satisfied, we’ll issue a full refund.

What is the Mission Curve® process?

A comprehensive process that leads people into a fresh and deepening relationship with God. Scripture, innovative concepts derived from business, thought provoking coaching material, and targeted activities are aligned to help you answer life’s big questions and get you launched into the adventure God made you for. Most importantly, it is designed to help you draw from your Chief Advisor, the Holy Spirit. Facilitated by our Mission Curve® Advisor, this is incredibly impactful.

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