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Now What?

Now What?

I’ve always loved to backpack. Back in the 80’s my friend Tim and I would venture out to climb the peaks of the nearby Adirondack mountains in New York. There are 46 “High Peaks” and if you climbed them all, you’d become a “46er”. Most of the 46 peaks are between...

How to Get Rich

How to Get Rich

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when I became a financial adviser that people had an expectation that it was my job to make them rich. I remember one client who came right out and asked me “Are you making me rich?” every time I saw him. A little intimidating...

Who’s Awake?

Who’s Awake?

I began delivering newspapers when I was 9. I quickly learned my route so it became a pretty easy after school job for me. Soon I learned that the best routes were the morning ones. I would make more money and my afternoons would be free to play baseball…really good!...

Beware the Boxer

Beware the Boxer

Way back when I was just beginning my engineering career, I became good friends with a guy I worked with named Mike. He was really into boxing. I used to go to Mike’s house to watch the Friday night fights. I had never really watched boxing much before so I knew...

There I was….

There I was….

….on my knees, eyes closed, praying. I had just read the Parable of the Three Servants… Each servant was given silver to manage while the master was away. The first doubled his 5 bags and he heard the master say:“The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and...

Do This Before You….

Do This Before You….

I’ve been reading through the four Gospels sequentially and noticed what could be one of Jesus’ most consistent and powerful behaviors, a lesson for all of us. It’s no secret, but if you look at our behavior, you’d sure think it was. It’s not his relentless way of...



I ran into a bit of a conundrum last week…. I’m part of a group of Christian business leaders who meet once a month, working to make each other better. Recently, we’ve been going through a series of marketing topics. One of the questions we were challenged with was to...

Am I Crazy?

Am I Crazy?

Spring has officially arrived and is getting into full swing now…I love this time of year! It triggers excitement in me as I get outside more; my soul is filled with new life and growth as I take deep breaths of fresh air. I’m a gardener and all of my life I’ve worked...

A Tale of Two Boats

A Tale of Two Boats

After spending her whole life in the greater New York City area, including nearly 60 years in the same house, my 86 year old Mother-in-Law made the bold decision to sell everything and move to Naples, Florida. Talk about an adventure! She has renewed energy and...

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